Our newly planted garden in autumn

When I started Gardening Mentor back in July, I decided to have a bit of a change-around in our home garden. And when I say “a bit of a change”, I mean a big one.

The wildflower meadow remains in its central position, but the borders that surround it have been completely replanted. We inherited borders filled with garish red tulips and worn out roses.

Now they are filled with a huge diversity of wild and cultivated specimens with a bit more “class” than the previous tenants. 

I love the winter seed heads on this Wild Marjoram. Next year's stems have already shown themselves around the base of the plant and I can't wait to see its amazing pink flowers next spring and summer.

A garden for visitors

The reason for this re-shuffle was to help my clients choose plants for their own garden. 

Most people who don’t spend a lot time with plants, struggle to name or picture specific species. This makes choosing plants for their own garden challenging. And so, the more common plants that can be easily re-called are chosen and planted. This makes them even more common and at times, slightly boring.

Think LavenderFuchsia, Euonymus etc. 

And although there’s nothing wrong with these plants (I actually really like many selections within these genera), I need to tell you that there are so many amazing species out there!

Bistorta affinis 'Superba' is really lovely. It's much shorter growing than Bistora amplexicaulis and will not colapse. Growing in front of it are the small, late, pale blue flowers of Calamintha nepeta.

But when there’s 200+ different types of plant growing right in front of your eyes, choosing ones that you love becomes a whole lot easier.

Newly planted but filled with potential

Over the last four months, I’ve been sourcing plants from a range of different places. Many I’ve propagated from clients gardens (with their permission of course), and others have been picked from nursery catalogues and occasionally garden centres.

This is Grevillea rosmarinifolia. It's endemic to south-eastern Australia and I was very surprised to find this pot in the reduced section of a local garden centre. Perhaps it's more common than I thought, or maybe I just got lucky.
The species name refers to the rosemary-like appearance of its foliage. I don't know if it's still there; but there was a great specimen of Grevillea rosmarinifolia right in front of the Laboratory at RHS Garden Wisley when I worked there.

I don’t think any of the specimens that I’ve planted so far could be described as rare. In fact, most are quite common. 

But a lot of the plants are “uncommon in British gardens” such as this Epilobium canum. I always knew it as Zauschneria californica, but it’s now been reclassified at Epilobium (the same genus as Rosebay Willowherb).

Thankfully, this species isn’t invasive. It has stunning red/orange flowers in late summer, autumn and early winter.

I bought two different cultivars. This is Epilobium canum 'Dublin' and is more like the one that we used to grow near the alpine house at RHS Wisley.
This one is Epilobium canum 'Ed Carman' and has hairier leaves. I've propagated both types to supply clients.

At capacity? No way

There’s currently around 200 different types of plant in our garden. That’s quite a lot for a garden of this size. I’ve been able to achieve this degree of diversity by only planting one of each plant. 

Achillea millefolium grows wild and as a weed in gardens throughout the UK. But it's such a stunning plant that I let it do its thing.

This isn’t how I would design a normal garden, but then again, it’s not a normal garden. It’s a showroom. A trial garden. And in this situation I favour diversity over cohesion.

The seed heads of Aster amellus 'Rudolph Goethe' are very attractive mixed in among other low-medium growing perennials. But its main attraction is its continuous supply of pale pruple/blue, medium sized daisy-like flowers in summer and autumn.

The planting density is currently sitting at around 4 plants per m2 of bed space. I think I can push this up to around 7 plants per m2. So this leaves me quite a bit of room for more amazing specimens.

It’s also likely that some plants will not survive in our garden environment. That’s fine, it’s important to know which plants do well in our area and which ones do not.

And every plant that dies is an opportunity to plant something even more special that will do well in our garden.

So when will I stop adding to our “collection”? Who knows? Hopefully never.

I recently acquired three species of Ceratosigma. This includes two shrubby plants (Ceratostigma willmottianum and C. griffithii) and one herbaceous (C. plumbaginoides).

I find C. griffithii to be lower growing and more spreading than C. willmottianum. It also has a darker and more sparse foliage. Kind of the character Scar in The Lion King when compared to Mufasa.
Here's C. willmottianum (or Mufasa if I continue The Lion King analogy 🙂

Excited for next year

Even though the planting density is creeping up with every new addition to the garden, it still looks quite bare at the moment.

That’s because the garden is so newly planted. Some plants are barely more than rooted cuttings right now.

I hope that as spring 2025 kicks in, plants will really get going. The fact that a lot of the plants went in the ground in late summer when the the soil was still warm means that strong root growth will have continued for at least a few weeks. The perfect foundation for a good summer’s growth.

But winter is here now and the plants have to cope with that first.

And while some plants “run to mush” (a technical term) at the first sign of frost like this beautiful Rodgersia pinnata. 

An incredible plant for all shady spots, Rodgersia pinnata is actually a very hary plant, (despite what its current condition may lead you to believe).

Others such as Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ are just thinking about show us what they’re made of.

The first petal of this Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' is just beginning to show. They sometimes do this a long time before the rest of the flowers come out.

And despite it being almost December, some plants such as this Salvia nemorosa ‘Pink Inspiration’ are still throwing up the occasional flower spike. 

I prefer the pink Salvia nemorosa cultivars to the more common blue/purple ones. This is Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna Pink Inspiration', but we also have the more common pink cultivar named 'Amethyst'.
A closer look at the pink flower spikes of S. nemorosa 'Caradonna Pink Inspiration'.

A few more long lasting seed heads

Dead heading is traditionally carried out as soon as flowers have “gone over”. But for me, the old flowers spikes can be just as good as the flowers themselves.

I personally avoid dead heading and cutting back until late winter/early spring.

Check out this post to hear a story about a Hazel Dormouse that would have benefited from a less rigorously maintained garden.

Betonica officinalis 'Hummelo' flower stems are really tough. These ones have a kink in them where they must have fallen over and corrected themselves while growing in the nursery where I bought them.
I expect them to remain strong all winter long. Hopefully birds will find them useful and pick away at them over the coldest months.
Veronica spicata seed heads stand in front of the still colourful flowers of Sedum spectabile.
Stokesia laevis flowers for ages in summer and autumn. It and also has something to offer over winter.
As with many ornamental grasses, Miscanthus sinensis 'Kliene Silberspinne' comes into its own in autumn. I took these photos during Storm Bert. It took five minutes for a slight break in the wind to get this photo.
I bought this Gallium odoratum in spring as a 9cm pot. Can you believe how much it's grown. I'll be dividing this in spring 2025 to give supply clients, family, and friends.
Finally, one of the most reliable shrubs for dry shade. This young Mahonia japonica is in full flower. It smells amazing and the insects love it!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Josephine

    Such an interesting post Joe! Amazing to see your ‘trials’ garden. Agree that it is great for clients to see different plants on display apart from our usual common choices. I must say I have always stayed boringly safe with what I know. Maybe next season I will branch out afresh !!

    1. homegrownjoe

      Thanks mam, you will have to come and choose some plants for yours and dad’s garden 😊

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